When you encounter a fabric lock, because you accidentally left the GUI or CLI without committing the changes, you can try the following to clear the lock and retry to apply your changes:
- run ‘show cfs lock’ to see who lock`s the fabric
- run ‘clear device-alias session’ to clear the lock when you were doing zoning activities
Instead of the “clear device-alias session” in line 2, another common possibility to get the lock cleared is:
- ‘clear ivr session’ (when you were in the middle of IVR activities)
Other locks can occur, but the device-alias and ivr are probably the most common. At least the ones that I encountered so far.
Sometimes a lock error pops up when opening a VSAN in DCNM, saying that the fabric is locked from switch ABC. In that case, log on to switch ABC and type (if nobody is actually zoning at that moment):
- clear zone lock vsan 123
This will clear the lock from the entire fabric only if issued on initiating switch