Category Archives: common knowledge

How to list the naa-numbers of LUNs and VMware VMFSs on a Dell EMC Unity system

EMC Unity

In the Unity the naa numbers (wwn) are listed in the “block” section, but not in the VMware section. If you view the LUNs from the host perspective, the naa numbers are visible, but in the list of LUNs  would have been easier. You can list all details from LUNs and datastores on the CLI by using the uemcli commands:

uemcli -d -u Local\admin -p [password] /stor/prov/luns/lun show -detail > unity.txt
uemcli -d -u Local\admin -p [password] /stor/prov/vmware/vmfs show -detail >> unity.txt

Now simply open the unity.txt file and voila: there they are!

Free Dell EMC trainings

For those that want some extra training on Unity or the VMAX All Flash for example, there’s free training available from Dell EMC Education at this moment:

This list is a summary only. For a complete list, take a look at DECN (Dell EMC Community Network) for the complete list:

How to change a (domain) password on a Windows 2012 server


When logged on to a Windows 2012 server through an RDP through another RDP connection on an Apple laptop, changing the password can be a challenge, especially if the account on this 2012 machine is not the same as on the machine you used to connect to the 2012 machine (try saying that sentence 5 times in a row).

So you’re logged on to a Windows 2012 server and you need to change the password of the actual account you’re using at that moment.

Click on the windows flag in the lower left of the screen and type this Powershell command:

Powershell -noprofile -nologo -noninteractive -command “(new-object -ComObject shell.application).WindowsSecurity()”

It doesn’t look pretty, but since I cannot find any alternative, it’s the best I can do.

It works!

Uptime defined, or what is uptime exactly?

Five nines

You often hear vendors mentioning their system has five 9s of uptime, but what exactly is uptime?

Some define uptime only for their own specific piece of technology. For example, a storage array with five 9s uptime, can only tolerate 5 minutes and 15 seconds of downtime per year, but if your network vendor also has a five 9 uptime specification and your power company and your data center and your internet provider and a whole lot of other components…. do the math!

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The “Internet Of Things”, or simply IoT, what’s it good for?

Internet of Things

Internet Of Things, the IoT

We’ve all heard the hype about the IoT, the Internet Of Things, but is it really a hype? Back in the dark ages (the 90s), a company called Novell already claimed that coffee machines and refrigerators would be equipped with a mini OS and an IP address, so automatic ordering systems could make sure you always have specific foods (or beer) in your fridge.

But at the same time the world was running low on IP addresses, so actually providing all these electronic devices with a unique address was a challenge. The solution was IPv6 which provides a few more addresses than IPv4 does.

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