EMC World 2016: what to do? There’s not enough time, that’s for sure!

Las Vegas

Will this be the last EMC World ever? I can’t imagine that.

Some say this year will be the final EMC World. Ever. But then again, there might not be another Dell world either. Not in this format anyway. Will EMC World continue in another format, or will it be called DEll/EMC World? Maybe EMC/Dell World? Or just World? No, that doesn’t make sense at all.


let’s think out loud about EMC World 2016

What’s going on from May 2 to May 5?

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Uptime defined, or what is uptime exactly?

Five nines

You often hear vendors mentioning their system has five 9s of uptime, but what exactly is uptime?

Some define uptime only for their own specific piece of technology. For example, a storage array with five 9s uptime, can only tolerate 5 minutes and 15 seconds of downtime per year, but if your network vendor also has a five 9 uptime specification and your power company and your data center and your internet provider and a whole lot of other components…. do the math!

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The “Internet Of Things”, or simply IoT, what’s it good for?

Internet of Things

Internet Of Things, the IoT

We’ve all heard the hype about the IoT, the Internet Of Things, but is it really a hype? Back in the dark ages (the 90s), a company called Novell already claimed that coffee machines and refrigerators would be equipped with a mini OS and an IP address, so automatic ordering systems could make sure you always have specific foods (or beer) in your fridge.

But at the same time the world was running low on IP addresses, so actually providing all these electronic devices with a unique address was a challenge. The solution was IPv6 which provides a few more addresses than IPv4 does.

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EMC World 2016: the Dutch edition

Fremont street

Het is weer die tijd van het jaar: EMC World komt eraan. Het is niemand ontgaan dat in de afgelopen dagen en weken weer allerlei noviteiten van EMC het daglicht hebben gezien: VxRail, VMAX all flash en de nieuwe DSSD en waar is het beter om deze noviteiten te gaan bekijken en je goed te laten informeren? Juist: op EMC World in Las Vegas!! Wissel ervaringen uit met andere klanten, maak kennis met (Nederlandse) partners en filosofeer met EMC specialisten over nieuwe mogelijkheden of maak gewoon die overstap naar het derde platform in IT.

The Dutch Delegation

Net als voorgaande jaren organiseert EMC Nederland weer een sociaal programma rondom het EMC IT-event van het jaar. Heb je de hele dag interessante sessies gevolgd en ben je toe aan wat ontspanning, dan is de Dutch Delegation een aanrader. Dit sociale programma begint op zondag 1 Mei en eindigt op donderdag 4 Mei en zal gedurende EMC World de rode draad zijn door dit drukke evenement.

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Announcing the EMC Elect 2016!

EMC Elect 2016

Another year has past and what a great year it was. A lot has happened, both personal and work related. The whole Dell / EMC merger made many think about the future once again and I must say it’s going to be an interesting year. I’m very much looking forward to EMC World, this May, as Michael Dell, Dave Goulden and Joe Tucci will make their appearance in the opening keynote. I think that I’ll be present in the big hall for once, even though the EMC Elect lounge has proven to be a wonderful and relaxed place to experience the keynote. And yes, that’s just one of the advantages of being EMC Elect: you’ll get to enter the realms of this small and privileged group of people.

On the EMC Community Network (aka ECN) you will find the latest and complete list of the EMC Elect 2016.

Thank you EMC, for making me part of this group again!!