Java, it’s a curse. And now you suddenly need to upload the spcollect files to EMC and Java isn’t installed or incompatible and Unisphere won’t start.
Now what?
Make sure you have NAVISECCLI installed and just do it from the CLI!
In my smart zoning post from last February I already presented the way to get started with Cisco smart zoning. I initially planned to give a more detailed calculation on how much time you can save if you were using smart zoning compared to SIST zoning.
I was talking to an EMC SAN instructor (Richard Butler) this week and after I did a little white-boarding and used my hands to picture how massive a traditional SIST zone environment would be, we agreed smart zoning is the way to go.
VMware now has this great new feature to be more in control of where its data blocks actually land on the storage system: VVOLs. But up until now EMC didn’t have a system capable of actually providing the back end for that. Until now I said. Starting with the VNXe 3200 all storage arrays are made vVOL capable and you can play around with that yourself. FOR FREE!
It’s just another short post on a single command again. This time I was looking for an easy way to get started on ESRS on the latest OE for Block code or the newer MCx code (33.071 or newer).
First of all you need to set up DNS in your VNX machine. In Unisphere, go to settings and click on “configure DNS”.
Also, if there’s a firewall blocking internet traffic, you need to make sure the storage processors can reach *.emc.com over tcp ports 443 and 8443.
After this you can use the following command on the CLI:
naviseccli -h [SPx ip#] esrsconfig -agentProvision -user [Online Support logon name] –password [Online Support super secret password]
Repeat this for the other SP as well.
It’s a very short post, but in case you’re looking for the command:
naviseccli -h [SPx ip#] mirror -sync -listsyncprogress -name [LUN name]
It’s that simple!
Oh, I’m assuming you already have the logon credentials in a security file, if not, you need to add these to the command:
naviseccli -h [SPx ip#] -user [username] -password [super secret password] -scope [0-1-2] mirror -sync -listsyncprogress -name [LUN name]
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